Conpleks Robotech Software Suite

Conpleks Robotech offers a complete software suite for advanced, outdoor, mobile robots and other autonomous or semi-autonomous vehicles handling a variety of different tasks. The software suite consists of a set of robot functions ready for use in different applications such as remote controlled grass mowers, advanced agricultural machines and implements and robots for sports related tasks.

Thereby the software can provide a significant value-add to many types of machinery, and as the possible applications are numerous, the sky’s about the limit.

The software suite design has a layered platform architecture enabling a simple and controlled development process with the possibility of adding new features when needed. This platform approach minimizes the resource needs for the basic development itself and at the same time maintains a high level of software quality.

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The software is mainly programmed in C++ and runs on an Ubuntu/Linux operating system. The software suite provides excellent opportunities for integration with advanced GNNS positioning systems.