Open for applications – interns look here!

Conpleks looks for engineering students, who has a huge desire to work with outdoor, mobile robots throughout the fall semester. The internship has expected start-up in September,

Conpleks offers two different intern positions within outdoor, mobile robots. One software designer for front-end and back-end and one software designer for robot applications. The long tradition with employing interns has given Conpleks great experience with organizing exciting internships. Especially is a great balance between technical and academic challenges and relevant support from the enthusiastic and skilled colleagues very important.

Interns use a great amount of time testing the robots manually Interns working together at Conpleks

Praktikant til front-end og back-end

Intern for front-end and back-end development

The tasks range from design and specification to tests when working with software development for front-end and back-end for the Conpleks Clara Cloud. The cloud solution sends and collects data to and from the robots. The mostly used tools are JavaScript, Cordova and Android together with Node.js and AngularJS. Additionally, the intern will be an active part of Conpleks’ continuous sprint meetings.
Click the application to learn more.


Praktikant til softwareudvikling

Intern for software development

The main tasks, the intern will face, includes embedded programming in C, C++, Python and the framework ROS, Robot Operating System. To test the software the intern will not alone use simulation programs but also perform real test drives. Additionally, there will be tasks within hardware for robot navigation and positioning and with implementing other robot functions and participating in continuous sprint meetings.
Click the application to learn more.


The application deadline for both internships is 22. May 2022. Find more information by clicking the job advertisements above.

Interns have great fun at Conpleks